Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas To All

Dear Family and Friends,

We have been keeping in touch with people this year through our blog. Adriann came to visit and helped me set it up. Yes, mine is boring because not much happens around here—but I love to read my children’s blogs. And it is fun to go to the links for other family members and friends. Our blog site is rdvaughan.blogspot.com.

We have had a good year. We made several trips to visit children (always fun to be grandma and grandpa), helped Adriann and Shane move to Louisiana (muggy and buggy), had Grace and the kids for the summer (finally I had kids to swim with everyday), and had the missionaries move into our downstairs (just temporary).

I have been doing a lot of quilting. I love my quilting machine. I went to a beach house in Cayugas this summer with my friend Irene, and we stopped at quilt shops all along the way. I have always loved sewing- I have to get my fix in almost every day. I also got a huge change in my church calling this year. Nursery. Can you believe that I have been serving in the church all these years and have never worked in the nursery before? I have 12 darling kids so I am learning fast, working hard, and having fun.

Rob is still making cradles. He is finishing one for Macc and Lisa. He always enjoys trying something different, and I get frustrated that he just doesn’t stick to a pattern—so I am not a very good helper. Rob is always very busy with our business. He also wrote a handbook for monitoring and still teaches classes several times a year. He also got a new church calling. After being in the stake for about 15 years, he is now Young Men’s President. He loves working with the boys again.

Our children are doing great. We all descended on Macc and Lisa’s home in Ohio for Thanksgiving. It was so fun to have all 20 of us there together (thus the family picture). Macc and Lisa were wonderful and had everything (sleeping, eating and playing) really well organized. We have been so blessed with wonderful children, spouses, and grandchildren.
Macc and Lisa are expecting the arrival of a baby girl in January. Lisa is looking radiant. Macc just got a big promotion at work and was able to come to San Diego in May to take Rob to the US Open in Torrey Pines. Andy and Jenna accepted a job with an ENT group in St George starting in July. They have been in Virginia for 9 years, so this will be a big change. Finally, we will have children living in the West.

Grace and Ron are still in upstate New York. Ron got home from Iraq in October, and was immediately put in the Bishopric. They are enjoying being a family again but Grace is still on her own during sacrament meeting. Jacque got to travel for the President to Thailand and New York City this year. She also went to a conference in Paris—so Grace and I tagged along. France was wonderful and my daughters were very fun. Adriann and Shane (and little Ivy Lou) moved to Louisiana in May. Shane graduated with his Doctor of Audiology and got a job there with the VA. They have a cute home and are getting used to gumbo and crawfish.

We took some fun family trips this summer to Lake Powell and our Two Moose Caboose (cabin). We are so blessed to be able to travel and enjoy family and friends. We recognize the Lord’s hand in so many areas of our lives each day. We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and great, happy New Year.

Love to all, The Vaughans

1 comment:

The Heitritter Family said...

How nice to find your blog and quickly catch up with your family! It must be tough to be separated like you are, but all the more fun when you all get together! You guys look just the same as I remember you!