Thursday, January 7, 2010

White and White House

I got to go to the White House for the Christmas tour. It was fabulous, but cold. Here are pictures of us going in and coming out.

The decorations were fabulous. I kept asking "Why doesn't my house look like this?" Oh, yeah, I'm not a professional decorator. Any way, I especially loved the white chocolate white house. The main Christmas tree, along with all the others, was gorgeous(as long as you didn't look too close at what was displayed on some of the ornaments- Does Brittney Spears represent California?)
Then the white (snow) started, my flight home got canceled, my re-booked flight home three days later got canceled, and finally my re-re-booked flight got me home two days before Christmas. DC really shuts down when it snows. This is the view from Jacque's balcony.

So my quick jet-setting trip to DC turned into a White House delight and white-out delay.


Jenna said...

I'm so glad you got the chance to tour it at Christmas time, but I'm sorry it took so long to get home...that is A LOT of snow for DC, brrrrr.

I certainly hope Brittany Spears does not represent the State of CA...or anywhere for that matter!

Grace said...

I'm glad somebody took a picture of the snow!!

Adriann said...

I love the white house / white out thing. So glad you finally posted some pictures of the trip! I can't believe there was a Brittney Spears ornament! Geez. What other crazy things were there?