Sunday, April 27, 2008


I have 4 sisters. When we get together it is fun even though we are a very conservative group. We were together this last week-end for a nephews wedding. Between the luncheon and the reception we had some time on our hands, so we went to the mall. After wandering around, Dixie saw a nail salon with spa pedicures for $15. That seemed like a deal, so we went for it. La Rae had never had one and has very sensitive feet, but we dragged her into it. (Sisters are good at pier pressure) I thought it was great but we weren't prepared--we all had closed toed shoes. After paying for a pedicure we didn't want to ruin our nails by putting our shoes back on, so we walked through the mall wearing the neon throw away sandals that they give you. When we got to Pennys we picked out sandals (all matching--one get one free sale--another deal) and left the mall with gorgeous toes and new sandals. We documented the adventure (yes, that is about as adventurous as we get) with a photo. Aren't sisters fun.


Adriann said...

Oh goodness, you Gardners! You had to get a deal =). I think its funny that you all (except one) got the same sandals. That is a really cute shot though. Shane and I are here debating who's feet are who's.

Adriann said...

You should do an online poll, guessing whose feet are whose. Here is my guess (bottom left clockwise): Christine, LaRae, Dixie, and Sandra. You took the picture and left your feet out. How'd I do?