Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bonjour to everyone

Yes, I went to France this summer. Jacque called me two weeks before a conference she had to go to in Paris and invited me to go. Of course I said no. You can't go to Paris at the last minute in July. It would be very expensive and I am really frugal. However, since my husband refuses to ever go to France, and he offered to give me some of his fun money to go --I did it. I can't believe it. I went -- I had a great time. Grace went too. Besides being robbed - do I look like a target?-- it was really wonderful. France is beautiful, Paris is exciting, and my daughters were fun. So been there, bought the T-shirt.


Adriann said...

I was surprised that you went last minute like that too =), but good for you! Even though I am still extremely jealous that you went without me - I'm glad you had fun.

The Carroll's said...

HOW FUN! I wish I could get money from my husband go to Paris!! One day....hopefully sooner rather than later!